Vashi EPF Office Address/Phone Number/Email

Vashi PF Office falls under the jurisdiction of Thane Zonal PF Office and its located on Wagle Estate. It functions from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM on all days except on weekends. Thane South, Thane North, Kandivali (East), Kandivali (West) PF Offices also comes under the jurisdiction of Thane Zonal PF Office.

Regional Office, VASHI
Tower No.6, 5th Floor,
Vashi Railway Station Complex, (Maharashtra).
Vashi – 400 703

EPF office contactPhone Number
Enquiry022 – 27814315
Whatsapp Business Account9969036136
Public Relations022 – 27814255
Others022 – 27814195

Map of Vashi EPF Office

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