Kandivali East PF Office Address/Phone Number/Email

Kandivali (East) PF Office falls under the jurisdiction of Thane Zonal PF Office and its located onCharkop Poisar Road. It functions from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM on all days except on weekends. Vashi, Thane South, Thane North, Kandivali West PF Offices also comes under the jurisdiction of Thane Zonal PF Office.

Regional Office, KANDIVALI-East
MTNL Telephone Exchange Building,4 to 7th floor,
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Road, Charkop, Sector – 8
Kandivali – 400 067
E-mail: ro.kandivali2@epfindia.gov.in

EPF office contactPhone Number
Enquiry022 – 28608401
Whatsapp Business Account9321482815
Public Relations022 – 28608411

Map of Kandivali East EPF Office

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