VFS Passport Tracking for any country

The below steps can be used to track your VFS application based on the country where it has been logged and the same can be used to track visa application to any country. E.g if your visa application is for Canada or France or any other country, then you can track the same using the below steps. (Tracking ID for the application is necessary pre-requisite)

VFS Passport Tracking for Any Country

Step1: Go to the VFS Global Passport Tracking – https://www.vfsvisaonline.com/Global-PassportTracking/Track/SelectCountry?q=shSA0YnE4pLF9Xzwon%2Fx%2FL0Zw6pOIHwtNWdHCtqAfK0%3D

Step 2: Select the Country where the application was lodged as shown below

Step 3: Then Enter the tracking ID as shown along with your Date of Birth. Then click on Submit

Once you submitted your Tracking ID and hit on submit, you would be able to see your VFS visa status for any country.

The above steps can be used for tracking VFS Visa status by passport for any of these countries: USA, France, Germany, Canada, UK, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, UAE, Saudi Arabia, India, Croatia, South Africa, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand etc.,

VFS Ireland Visa Status Tracking

  1. Go to https://www.vfsvisaonline.com/IrelandOnlineTracking/pages/OnlineTracking.aspx
  2. Enter Visa Application Reference Number and Email, then click on Submit
  3. Visa status for Ireland will be displayed for your Visa application

VFS Norway Visa Status Tracking

  1. Go to https://www.vfsvisaonline.com/norway-onlinetracking/OnlineTracking.aspx
  2. Enter your Application reference No and Date of Birth, then click on Submit

Visa Application status for Norway will be displayed along with other details such as your name etc.,

VFS Netherlands Visa Status Tracking

  1. Go to https://www.vfsvisaonline.com/Netherlands-Global-Online-Tracking_Zone1/TrackLanding.aspx
  2. Select the Country & Language, then click on Submit
  3. Enter the Tracking Id and click on Submit
  4. Netherland Visa Application Status would be displayed

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