Universal Account Number (UAN) | UAN Activation & Login

UAN number means Universal Account Number that would be be allocated by the Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) to every PF member who is covered under EPF Scheme. This is different from multiple PF Member IDs that are allocated by companies when members join them. A UAN number is typically a 12-digit number similar to Aadhaar. Each UAN is linked with an Aadhaar so that a person can have only one single UAN during hisher lifetime.

Table of Contents

What is UAN?

UAN is the Universal Account number that is assigned to each PF member. A single person can have only one UAN number. If a person has more than one UAN number then it should be merged with another UAN number (a UAN number is 12 digits long usually).

How to login into the UAN portal?

Using your UAN ID and password, you can log in to the UAN EPFO member portal. The same password can be also used to log in to the PF Passbook Password portal

How to reset UAN Password?

UAN Password can be easily reset by following the reset EPFO UAN password process here. Once you have changed the UAN Password, you can use the same to login into the UAN EPFO Member Portal.

How UAN is different from PF Member ID?

PF Member is a unique number that is assigned to each employee (member) when the employee joins an organization. Each PF member ID is linked with a UAN number. E.g If you leave TCS and join Infosys, your UAN number will remain the same but you will get a new PF member ID.

Whether my UAN will change if I leave the company?

No. Your UAN won’t change if you leave the company as the UAN is linked to your Aadhaar number and it’s a permanent number for your lifetime. If you join a new company, you will get a new PF member ID.

How do you find your UAN number?

You can find it online on the PF portal by using the Know your UAN number option. The other way is to reach out to your Employer (or) check your payslip

How do you generate a UAN number?

UAN number would be generally generated by Employers and sometimes you can also generate your UAN number by entering your Aadhaar number.

How do you activate the UAN number?

UAN number needs to be activated once it is generated by you or by your employer. This can be easily done by entering your UAN number (or) other details and following the steps mentioned in the article

If your existing PF account has not been linked with your UAN number, you can easily link the UAN number and the PF account number by the UAN PF Account number linking process.

Sample UAN will look like 1000XXXX1777 . This is unique to each and every employee and also to any member of the EPFO. The above UAN will be tagged to Member IDs which would be different for each company. A single UAN can have many member ID’s when the employee has worked in different companies. When a employee joins a new company, the UAN number will remain the same only a new Member ID would be assigned that would look like TN/MAS/XXXXXXXX ( The Member ID would contain state, office etc.,)

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