Change Date of Birth in the PF UAN Portal Online

Sometimes your Date of Birth might be wrong in the UAN portal. You can correct the date of birth in the EPFO UAN portal by following the below steps. If the below steps doesn’t work out, you can also reach out to your employer.

Steps to update date of birth in the EPFO UAN portal

  1. Go to UAN Portal and log in in with your USERID & Password –
  2. Once you have logged in, Click on “Manage” and then click on “Modify Basic Details” as shown in the below screenshot

    PF Date of Birth Update
  3. Enter the name you want to update in the UAN on the right side and then click on “Update” as shown in the below screenshot

    PF Date of Birth
  4. Enter your Aadhaar number, correct name, date of birth, and then click on the “Update” button
  5. After that “Pending Approval by Employer” message would be displayed. Ask your employer to approve the changes

Call/Contact the Employer and ask them to approve your changes. Once they have approved, it would display this message and after which EPF Office has to approve the changes.EPF Office might take more than 30 days to approve the changes (I am not sure about how many days they will take to approve these changes)

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