Check EPFO/PF Claim Status Online

Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) allows you to withdraw money from your PF account using Full and Partial Withdrawal using different Claim Forms. Once the Claim is processed, you will get money instantly in your bank account. To check the Claim status follow any of the methods below

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EPFO/PF Claim status using Member Passbook

The easiest way to check your claim status is to use your UAN ID and password to log into the Member Passbook portal. In case you have forgotten your password, you can reset it via the Forgot Password option and get the UAN number here

  1. Login into the Member Passbook portal using UAN ID and UAN Password
  2. Click on the Claims in the Menu section

    PF Claim Status
  3. Scroll down to the Claim Details section on the page

    EPFO Claim Status
  4. Here you can see the Pending, Settled, and Rejected Claims Tab. To see the claims that are being processed, click on the Pending Claims tab
  5. If the EPFO Claim that has been submitted is settled, then it can be seen under the “Settled” Claims section.

If the claim has not been settled and it’s still under processing for more than 2 weeks (or) 10 working days then file a PF grievance at EPFO Grievance Portal

PF Claim status without login

Previously there used to be a facility that would allow the member to check the status of a PF Claim without login, but it’s no longer available. The only way to check the claim status is by using the EPFO Member Passbook portal

PF Claim Status via UMANG App/Portal

Another way of checking PF Claim status is by logging into the UMANG App. Once you have logged into the UMANG App, follow the below steps

  1. Search for EPFO and Click on EPFO App
  2. Login with UAN Number and OTP sent to your mobile number
  3. Click on Track Claim under EPFO Centric services

    Employee PF Claim Status
  4. A list of Claims submitted by the PF member will be displayed

PF SMS Notifications during Claim Processing

You will receive an SMS notification during each step of Claim processing.
1. Whenever a claim is submitted a SMS would be sent to the PF Member as well as the Employer
2. When the claim is sent to the PF Field office, an SMS will be sent to the PF member
3. After the Claim has been processed, the PF member will receive an SMS

After receiving the final SMS, it may take anywhere between 3-4 days to receive the PF money in your bank account.

PF Claim still under Processing?

Generally, a PF Claim will take anywhere between 5-15 working days to process. Even after 15 working days if the status of the claim is still shown as processing, reach out to the PF Office Whatsapp Number (or) File a complaint about the Claim at the PF Grievance Portal

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